第23回 3D・VRシミュレーションコンテスト オン・クラウド

Results Announcement

After general voting and careful consideration by judges, Grand Prix, 2nd Prize (Excellence Award), Idea Award, Essence Award, 3 Honorable Judge Award, and VR SYSTEM OF THE YEAR have been decided. The Awards Ceremony was held at Shinagawa Intercity Hall and online on November 13th, 2024.

    ▲Awards Ceremony
    (Nov. 13th 2024 at Shinagawa Intercity Hall)

  • Grand Prix (Highest Award)

    Urban Renaissance Agency

    DX Platform for Umekita 2nd Phase District Urban Planning

    A 3D urban model that reproduces the completed “Umekita 2nd Phase District” is constructed in VR space for use in consensus building among stakeholders, as a study tool for smart city formation, and for improving productivity in design and construction. A wide range of use cases have been implemented, from allowing people to experience the Metaverse experience of the park area to the construction of a soil contamination information visualization system, making it possible to continue its use as a DX platform for urban development.


    The completed form of the "Umekita 2nd Phase District (Grand Green Osaka)," which had its preliminary opening on September 6th, has been reproduced in VR. By running the script, you can walk through the entire park and see an overview of its use cases. Areas such as "Umekita Forest," which is not yet accessible on-site, are a must-see.

  • 2nd Prize (Excellence Award)

    Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.

    “Proposal for National Resilience using BIM/CIM” - Proposal for Ensuring Safe and Smooth Traffic Flow during Rainfall
    In recent years, there have been reports of damage caused by torrential rains, and it is important to share appropriate weather information. Therefore, we examined the effects of differences in environmental conditions such as rainfall on vehicle drivers through driving simulations that effectively utilize BIM/CIM models constructed during road design, and examined the effects on driving speed (operable speed) during future rainfall events.


    A driving course has been created to examine the impact of difference road structures and weather conditions on driving speed. By running the script, you can configure rainfall conditions, view driving simulations, and review the details and results of the verification experiments.

  • 2nd Prize (Excellence Award)

    Akishima Traffic Congestion Simulation Production Committee

    Traffic and Landscape Simulation with Residents Participating in the Simulation
    Volunteer residents concerned about the construction of the largest logistics center and data center in East Japan planned to be developed in Akishima City, Tokyo, used UC-win/Road to visualize the impact of the development. The current traffic volume was investigated with the participation of residents, the generated traffic volume was estimated based on the developer's assessment documents, and the current situation and future predictions were visualized in 3D-VR.


    You can view the roads and streetscapes of Akishima City used in the traffic simulation. The area's unique features are meticulously reproduced, and by running the script, you can explore the background of this project and details of the simulation.

    Award commemorative online seminar「Resident-led traffic jam simulation」was held on Saturday, January 11th.

  • Idea Award


    Use of Metaverse and VR for Proposal of Bento Tray Packaging Assembly Line
    In addition to the proposal of an automated lunch box tray packaging assembly line based on a plan view, we have started a project to realize an assembly line proposal utilizing the Metaverse and VR so that customers can see the assembly line in manner very similar to watching the actual assembly line. It is expected to reveal parts of the assembly line that were not known until the equipment was manufactured and installed. In addition, by using the system with VR devices, it has become possible to study in advance the width of aisles and the feeling of pressure after the machine has been installed. In the future, the company plans to consider various applications, such as using the system for maintenance education.


    The bento manufacturing equipment has been detailed down to its intricate design and can be freely explored from various perspectives within the Metaverse space. The system of placing specific amounts of pasta and fried chicken into bento lunch box trays on a conveyor belt, as well as the process of packaging and stacking into boxes, is animated. By running the script, you can view detailed explanations of these processes.

  • Essence Award

    Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture

    Visualization of Crowd Flow Data Using 3D Urban Model, and Tamana City Metaverse
    The status of usage of space on an urban scale is visualized by overlaying the 3D urban model from PLATEAU and data about the movement of visitors. Based on this, simulations, etc. will be conducted, aiming for EBPM of space design that will bring liveliness to the region. In addition, Metaverse representing the local landscape and vision of the region will also be constructed to examine options for future urban planning and to promote the attractiveness of the region by utilizing NFT.


    The Takase Urakawa Waterfront Green Space, a popular tourist attraction, has been reproduced, allowing you to stroll through the park and enjoy sights like irises. By running the script, you can watch the reproduced pedestrian flow, interact with mascot characters in the Metaverse space under development, view a 360-degree video of a fireworks festival, and see scenes such as a pier from the Edo period.

    They declined the mail order gift certificate for the prize.

  • Honorable Judge Award Design Award (Prof. Fumio Seki)

    Urasoe City, Okinawa prefecture

    VR Simulation of Urasoe City Base Site Utilization Plan
    Metaverse and VR simulation of the future image of the former U.S. military base site, which is scheduled to be returned, has been created. The simulation visualizes urban development aimed at creating liveliness, mainly in public spaces, with facades and monuments incorporating traditional Urasoe design, road plans envisioning autonomous vehicles, and development of sloping land along the sea with an emphasis on creating spectacular views. The plan is to be updated as appropriate over the next several years through consensus building with stakeholders.


    A vast area covering 14% of the city has been reproduced to showcase the development concept, characterized by the incorporation of traditional Urasoe design elements throughout. By running the script, you can view images of the future streetscape and envisioned land utilization methods.

  • Honorable Judge Award Community Development Award (Mr. Hiroo Kasagi)

    Oga City, Akita prefecture

    Kanpusan Geosite, Akagami Shrine Goshado Metaverse WebAR Project
    Developed to promote tourism and education, this system allows visitors to experience the actual eruptions and topographic changes that occurred in the past at the Kanpusan mountain through Metaverse and WebAR. In addition, at Akagami Shrine Goshado, a nationally designated important cultural property, the legend of 999 stone steps said to have been piled by Oni is reproduced in an intuitive manner via WebAR. In the future, the unique topography of the Wakimoto Castle Ruins is planned to be reproduced using a red 3D map, and contents that reproduce the past is also planned to be constructed.


    Various AR content is available at tourist attractions, allowing you to experience scenes such as volcanic eruptions, changes in terrain over time, and legendary stories related to the Oni of Akagami Shrine.

  • Honorable Judge Award Traffic simulation Award (Prof. Tetsunori Haraguchi)

    KICT(Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)

    Verification of V2I Autonomous Cooperative Driving through Linkage with VILS-Micro Simulation
    We are currently verifying V2I technology, which provides location information about surrounding traffic to autonomous vehicles from infrastructure when autonomous vehicles have difficulty acquiring sensor data due to bad weather or obstacles. Although it is verified by driving actual vehicles on an actual testbed, there is a risk of accidents occurring if the surrounding traffic is also driven by actual vehicles.
    Therefore, we developed VILS (Vehicle in the Loop Simulation), which drives a real car on a real road but generates surrounding traffic in a virtual environment. A GPS receiver was installed in a real car and communicated with a PC installed in the car to synchronize the vehicle location with the VR environment built with UC-win/Road in real time. In order to generate surrounding traffic flow similar to actual traffic flow during verification, VISSIM and UC-win/Road were connected with VISSIM link plug-in option. The system is currently being verified by applying it to an actual testbed in four scenarios: roundabout, non-signalized intersection, merging, and pedestrian crossing.


    A test course for verifying V2I technology has been reproduced. By running the script, you can view the details of the experiment and the concept of system integration.

  • Nomination Award

    Beihang University

    Verification of Improving Safety when Taking Over Driving during Autonomous Driving using Smart Bracelets
    Research is being conducted to improve safety by providing a smooth takeover of driving when the driver of an L3-level autonomous driving vehicle is performing non-driving activities by using vibrations from a smart bracelet to alert the driver of an avoidance warning. The smart bracelets reduced reaction time and showed a significant increase in safety due to the increased TTC.


    This is VR data used for a validation experiment involving smooth takeover of driving using a smart bracelet. By running the scenario, you can experience the concept of the experiment and the driving course used in the test.

  • Nomination Award


    Construction of Base Data for Safe Driving Evaluation on familiar roads around the Company
    With the purchase of a drive simulator for the purpose of driving skills evaluation, the base data for the VR space for driving training course was constructed. In addition to reproducing the road structure and surrounding landscape of the approximately 4 km stretch from Denso's Kosai Plant to Toyohashi East Plant, the data also includes the parking lots on both sites, where accidents are a concern. The data will be used to create scenarios for driving skills evaluation in the future.


    A vast VR space spanning from DENSO's Kosai Plant to the Toyohashi East Plant has been reproduced. By running the script, you can understand the purpose of the data creation and experience the planned driving assessment scenarios.

  • Nomination Award


    New Approach to Maintenance and Management using 3D Models
    A detailed 3D model of a cable-stayed bridge was constructed and then a 3D/VR simulation to manage the entire life cycle of the bridge, from design to construction to maintenance, was then created. Real-time monitoring, early detection of abnormalities, and efficient maintenance and management planning are possible. In the future, we will establish linkage with the cloud and predictive simulations for natural disasters.


    Proposals for construction and maintenance management have been visualized through simulations. By running the script, you can review the proposal details and gain an understanding of the construction process. Additionally, by running the scenario and clicking buttons placed on different locations across the abutment and pier, you can access relevent maintenance management information.

  • Nomination Award

    University of Seoul

    Safety analysis of Gwangju Jisan IC exit ramp based on driving simulation
    The 2nd GwangjuSunhwan Expressway, which was scheduled to open soon, cannot open due to the Jisan IC. This is because, unlike ICs where the exit ramp is usually installed on the right side of the main line, there are concerns about traffic accidents and congestion due to the geometric structure where the ramp is installed on the left side. Therefore, various improvement measures such as installing guide signs, colored lanes, and guidance poles were applied, and virtual driving experiments to determine their effectiveness were conducted. For experiments, various scenario events were implemented with UC-win/Road, such as night driving, queues on the on-ramp, and vehicles cutting in due to sudden lane changes.


    The distinctive structure of a highway exit ramp has been reproduced. By running the script, you can view safety measure proposals and details of the considerations involved.

  • Nomination Award

    University of Seoul

    Review of PM sidewalk driving safety based on PM simulator experiments
    In order to allow PMs to drive on sidewalks, it is necessary to evaluate the pedestrian safety when PMs driving on sidewalks. The purpose is to implement driving conditions such as sidewalk width and pedestrian density similar to real-life driving conditions when PMs drive on sidewalks, and to conduct PM sidewalk driving experiments using a simulator to analyze the appropriate speed of PMs driving on sidewalks. The virtual driving experiment was conducted using an electric kickboard simulator in a VR environment created with UC-win/Road, and vehicle log data and eye-tracking data (pupil size) were collected. As a result, as the sidewalk width narrowed and the pedestrian density increased, the frequency of brake and steering operation, deceleration behavior, and the number of pedestrian collisions increased. In addition, it was analyzed that pupil size also increased, which also increased anxiety. They intend to use this data as a basis for revising laws and regulations related to PM driving by linking it with PM accident data.


    This is VR data used to analyze the behavior of test subjects when personal mobility devices operate on sidewalks. By running the script, you can review the details of the experiment, and by executing the scenario, you can experience the driving scenarios of the personal mobility devices used in the test.

  • Nomination Award


    Nago Main Line Toguchi Bridge Underground Construction Work
    This data was created as materials for explaining the local residents about the Toguchi Bridge under construction in Motobu-cho, a town surrounded by beautiful nature located in the northern part of Okinawa Prefecture. The final construction of one A2 abutment is intended to give an image of the completed bridge, and it can also be used for the review of construction onsite, safety training, disaster prevention meetings, and internal meetings.


    The scenery around Toguchi Bridge has been reproduced, allowing you to see where construction will take place. By running the script, you can review the entire process from the start of construction to its completion.


    Chugoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

    Backhoe MG/MC Experience Simulator

      A simulator for experiencing ICT construction (MG, MC) with a backhoe. To promote infrastructure DX, the simulator provides operational guidance and simulated semi-autonomous control of an ICT backhoe as contents for inexperienced operators and beginners. In semi-autonomous control mode, the bucket and arm are calculated to move in accordance with the design surface, simulating construction as designed.


      This VR data includes educational materials related to infrastructure foundations, such as roads and bridges, as well as construction and maintenance management. It also features a simulator for snow removal and backhoe training and safety education. By running the scenario, you can view images of pavement structure, deterioration, inspection, and repair. Additionally, videos showcase bridge infrastructure, construction management and safety measures, disaster response, and images of snow removal and backhoe simulators. On F8VPS, you can access training content for machinery, river facilities, and road infrastructure.

    They declined the mail order gift certificate for the prize.

Overview of 3D VR Simulation Contest

3D/VR Simulation Contest on Cloud started with our VR Design Studio UC-win/Road software winning the "Software Product of the Year" award in 2002. The main event of the FORUM8 Design Festival, the contest is an annually held competition between contestants from around the world to see who can create the most advanced VR simulation using VR Design Studio UC-win/Road, and this year we will host our 23rd contest. Public online voting via VR-Cloud® has been implemented since 2011 contributing to a greater success in our contest since then.
A new award "VR SYSTEM OF THE YEAR" was established in 2022.

Submission Requirements

UC-win/Road has been used in various fields from civil engineering/construction, to driving/traffic simulations, to even town planning. In a recent years we have noticed a change in an organizations focus to autonomous driving research, disaster prevention scenarios, education, and medical care. In particular, there have recently been some notable examples of advanced construction ICT and construction automation.
We look forward to your applications for the state-of-the-art VR data and systems that accelerate smart cities and DX by making the most use of solutions provided by UC-win/Road and F8VPS to enable advanced communication through data.

Application / Schedule
Submission Conditions

①Work data and 5-minute script

②Overview of data explaining contents and operation in a brief format

Destination of Submission

Please tell your contact person of FORUM8 staff and send it to him/her.

  • Fri. Oct. 11th, 2024
  • Deadline for Application
  • Thu. Oct. 17th, 2024
  • Nomination Work Screening
  • Tue. Oct. 29th –
    Thu. Nov. 7th, 2024
  • General Voting Period
  • Tue. Nov. 12th, 2024

  • Award winning selection
  • Wed. Nov. 13th, 2024

  • Announcement and Award Ceremony
    Venue: Shinagawa Intercity Hall
Copyright of Submitted Work

The copyright of the VR data of the winning work belongs to the applicant.
Although the submitted data will not be distributed, FORUM8 will edit and process output images, videos, etc. for the data, works and deliverables produced by the author, and will make external presentations, research presentations, sales activities, As a public relations activity, you have a secondary license right such as publication/introduction on media such as HP, public relations magazines, books, magazines and newspapers.

Inquiries for Application

TEL:03-6894-1888 FAX:03-6894-3888

Awards / Prizes
  • Grand Prix

    Prize, Online shopping gift cards (JPY100,000), Trophy, Certificate

  • 2nd Prize
    (Excellent Award)

    Prize, Online shopping gift cards (JPY50,000), Certificate

  • Idea / Essence Award

    Prize, Online shopping gift cards (JPY30,000), Certificate

  • Honorable Judge Award

    Meta Quest 2, Online shopping gift cards (JPY30,000), Certificate

  • Nomination Award

    Online shopping gift cards (JPY10,000), Plaque


Trophy, Certificate, Online shopping gift cards (JPY200,000)

Juries of 3DVR Simulation Contest
  • Jury Chief

    Prof. Fumio Seki

    Professor, Civil Eng. Dept.
    Fac. of Science and Tech., Nihon University

    After engaging in various designs such as bridge, tunnel, civil engineering, river, and road at a major construction company, he was appointed in the current position since 2011. In recent years, in addition to civil engineering design, he works on a wide range of digital technologies, PFI and PPP projects.

  • Mr. Hiroo Kasagi

    Representative of NPO Community Development Studio

    Director of Japan Society for Impact Assessment, director of Laboratory of Autonomy Problem, part-time instructor of University of Tsukuba, etc. Won the prize of Minister for the Environment for his activity of global warming in 2005. Author of some books.

  • Prof. Tetsunori

    Visiting Prof., Org. for
    Future Society Creation,
    Nagoya University

    After graduating from Department of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, Graduate School of Kyoto University, he worked at Toyota Motor Corporation, and engaged in the vehicle dynamic performance development at the experiment field and the future vehicle planning at the planning field. Started to work at Nagoya University since 2011 and is a visiting professor now.

  • Mr. Yuji Ito

    Representative Director, VR Promotion Council / President and CEO, FORUM8 Co., Ltd.

  • Prof. Fumio Seki

    Director, VR Promotion Council
    Professor, Civil Engineering Dept. Faculty of Science and Tech., Nihon Univ.

  • Mr. Ryuzo Aida

    Director, VR Promotion Council
    Chairman & CEO, Nihon Technos

* The VR Promotion Council, which judges the VR SYSTEM OF THE YEAR award, works to develop and provide a virtual platform using VR, as well as to utilize it in various industrial fields in collaboration with local governments and other organizations. FORUM8 cooperates with this council as a corporate member.

Past Award Winners

  • 22nd Grand Prix (Highest Award)

    University of Seoul

    Evaluation of user satisfaction according to the gap acceptance behavior of autonomous vehicles
    In order to find out what level of gap acceptance users prefer, scenarios with different gap acceptances were created using UC-win/Road, and subjects could experience them through virtual driving. At this time, brain waves, electromyography, pupil size, and heart rate were measured, and a survey was conducted after the autonomous driving experience. Afterwards, biometric data and survey results were analyzed to find out which autonomous driving behavior was preferred.
  • 22nd 2nd Prize (Excellence Award)

    Utsunomiya City

    Utsunomiya Digital City Experience Project
    With the aim of providing effective social studies education even when travel is limited, 3D models of major facilities to be visited on social studies tours, such as the area around Utsunomiya Station, including the LRT, fire stations, water purification plants, and incineration plants, were reproduced on the web. It allowed viewers to explore from a perspective not normally seen and to see explanations and animations of equipment. It was introduced into education after its effectiveness in school education was verified. Selected as a representative of Utsunomiya for the Digi-den Koshien 2023.
  • 22nd Idea Award

    Naha City Tourism Association

    Japan Heritage & Naha Tour WebAR System
    This WebAR system using F8VPS explains the story of "Okinawa's traditional 'Ryukyu cuisine', 'Awamori', and 'Entertainment' that have continued since the Ryukyu Kingdom era", which was recognized as the first Japanese heritage in Okinawa Prefecture in 2019. It can be used in conjunction with the city walking tour to visit the related cultural sites. You can experience AR Ryukyu dance, Ryukyu cuisine, and the legendary dragon that appears on the street using your smartphone.
  • 22nd Essence Award

    Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture

    Visualization of disaster risk using 3D city model of Tamana City
    Using the PLATEAU 3D city model, this data was used to simulate the inundation area and the inundation depth over time when the levee broke. In addition to visualizing information such as the location, capacity, and altitude of evacuation facilities, it also reproduced representations of movement and submersion from the evacuee's perspective, so it can also be used for education to deepen understanding of the importance of evacuation and disaster risk. In the future, this information will also be used for disaster preparedness planning, such as evacuation routes and facility layout.
  • 22nd Honorable Judge Award Digital Management Award (Prof. Fumio Seki)

    Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.

    VR simulation of human flow using AI camera
    A cyberspace is constructed using digital twins to reproduce the buildings, road accessories, and road networks around Hon-Atsugi Station. In addition to reproducing traffic using a traffic micro-simulator, an AI edge camera was used to obtain actual human flow data, and a reproduction simulation was performed in a VR environment. It is planned to use this data as basic data in future development projects around the station that take dynamic data into consideration.
  • 22nd Honorable Judge Award Community Development Award (Mr. Hiroo Kasagi)

    Keiyo Sokuryo

    Explore the old town of the Sawara district in VR
    This data was created from April 2023 for the event exhibition held in June 2023. In producing this work, the company made extensive use of the results of three-dimensional laser surveying, taking advantage of its strengths as a surveying company. By using laser point clouds to replace construction work that required complex modeling, they were able to complete the work in a limited period of time.
  • 22nd Honorable Judge Award Traffic simulation Award (Prof. Tetsunori Haraguchi)

    Takenaka Civil Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

    Machine guidance information display system using XR
    This is a construction support system in the cockpit of heavy construction equipment that converts design data held by the MG (Machine Guidance) system into coordinates so that the line-of-sight position obtained by a separately manufactured detection system matches the backhoe operator's field of view, and then displays it on the driver's seat windshield. To simulate experiments with real equipment, a radio-controlled construction equipment system was also constructed and used in conjunction with the VR system environment.
Past Awards PickUp
All Award-Winning Works
Past Contest Award Ceremonies (22nd 3D・VR Simulation Contest on Cloud / November 2023)

Related Product

3D real-time virtual reality software UC-win/Road is an advanced software that can create 3D large-scale space of various projects by simple PC operation and can perform various real-time simulations.

Product info

UC-win/Road Basic Functions

  • FORUM8 Virtual Platform System

3DVR space created on the cloud plus with the added communication tools utilizing avatars to promote easy remote work, create virtual showroom or virtual factory for a guided tour, or run trainings and manage your everyday tasks. F8VPS can build a digital twin for any projects such as exhibition, office, campus, etc. It can also be cooperated with ERP systems for human resources and task management, Accounting Software Suite, and smart devices.

Product Info

Case Study

VR-Cloud® is a consensus building solution which uses 3D and VR on a cloud server. With only internet access environment, even thin client would be able to operate the VR space by web browser.

Product Info

VR-Cloud® Ver.6 Collaboration

A full-featured VR cloud system that enables advanced communication between clients and VR. Implementation of shared content management. 3D bulletin board, landscape evaluation, conference support for multiple users. Equipped with annotation and photo functions.

  • ▲Content viewer

  • ▲3D icons

  • ▲Annotation function

  • ▲Landscape evaluation