After general voting and careful consideration by judges, Grand Prix, 2nd Prize (Excellence Award), Idea Award, Essence Award, 3 Honorable Judge Award, and VR SYSTEM OF THE YEAR have been decided. The Awards Ceremony was held at Shinagawa Intercity Hall and online on November 13th, 2024.
Urban Renaissance Agency
The completed form of the "Umekita 2nd Phase District (Grand Green Osaka)," which had its preliminary opening on September 6th, has been reproduced in VR. By running the script, you can walk through the entire park and see an overview of its use cases. Areas such as "Umekita Forest," which is not yet accessible on-site, are a must-see.
Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.
A driving course has been created to examine the impact of difference road structures and weather conditions on driving speed. By running the script, you can configure rainfall conditions, view driving simulations, and review the details and results of the verification experiments.
Akishima Traffic Congestion Simulation Production Committee
You can view the roads and streetscapes of Akishima City used in the traffic simulation. The area's unique features are meticulously reproduced, and by running the script, you can explore the background of this project and details of the simulation.
Award commemorative online seminar「Resident-led traffic jam simulation」was held on Saturday, January 11th.
The bento manufacturing equipment has been detailed down to its intricate design and can be freely explored from various perspectives within the Metaverse space. The system of placing specific amounts of pasta and fried chicken into bento lunch box trays on a conveyor belt, as well as the process of packaging and stacking into boxes, is animated. By running the script, you can view detailed explanations of these processes.
Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture
The Takase Urakawa Waterfront Green Space, a popular tourist attraction, has been reproduced, allowing you to stroll through the park and enjoy sights like irises. By running the script, you can watch the reproduced pedestrian flow, interact with mascot characters in the Metaverse space under development, view a 360-degree video of a fireworks festival, and see scenes such as a pier from the Edo period.
They declined the mail order gift certificate for the prize.
Urasoe City, Okinawa prefecture
A vast area covering 14% of the city has been reproduced to showcase the development concept, characterized by the incorporation of traditional Urasoe design elements throughout. By running the script, you can view images of the future streetscape and envisioned land utilization methods.
Oga City, Akita prefecture
Various AR content is available at tourist attractions, allowing you to experience scenes such as volcanic eruptions, changes in terrain over time, and legendary stories related to the Oni of Akagami Shrine.
KICT(Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)
A test course for verifying V2I technology has been reproduced. By running the script, you can view the details of the experiment and the concept of system integration.
Beihang University
This is VR data used for a validation experiment involving smooth takeover of driving using a smart bracelet. By running the scenario, you can experience the concept of the experiment and the driving course used in the test.
A vast VR space spanning from DENSO's Kosai Plant to the Toyohashi East Plant has been reproduced. By running the script, you can understand the purpose of the data creation and experience the planned driving assessment scenarios.
Proposals for construction and maintenance management have been visualized through simulations. By running the script, you can review the proposal details and gain an understanding of the construction process. Additionally, by running the scenario and clicking buttons placed on different locations across the abutment and pier, you can access relevent maintenance management information.
University of Seoul
The distinctive structure of a highway exit ramp has been reproduced. By running the script, you can view safety measure proposals and details of the considerations involved.
University of Seoul
This is VR data used to analyze the behavior of test subjects when personal mobility devices operate on sidewalks. By running the script, you can review the details of the experiment, and by executing the scenario, you can experience the driving scenarios of the personal mobility devices used in the test.
The scenery around Toguchi Bridge has been reproduced, allowing you to see where construction will take place. By running the script, you can review the entire process from the start of construction to its completion.
Chugoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
This VR data includes educational materials related to infrastructure foundations, such as roads and bridges, as well as construction and maintenance management. It also features a simulator for snow removal and backhoe training and safety education. By running the scenario, you can view images of pavement structure, deterioration, inspection, and repair. Additionally, videos showcase bridge infrastructure, construction management and safety measures, disaster response, and images of snow removal and backhoe simulators. On F8VPS, you can access training content for machinery, river facilities, and road infrastructure.
They declined the mail order gift certificate for the prize.
3D/VR Simulation Contest on Cloud started with our VR Design Studio UC-win/Road software winning the "Software Product of the Year" award in 2002. The main event of the FORUM8 Design Festival, the contest is an annually held competition between contestants from around the world to see who can create the most advanced VR simulation using VR Design Studio UC-win/Road, and this year we will host our 23rd contest. Public online voting via VR-Cloud® has been implemented since 2011 contributing to a greater success in our contest since then.
A new award "VR SYSTEM OF THE YEAR" was established in 2022.
UC-win/Road has been used in various fields from civil engineering/construction, to driving/traffic simulations, to even town planning. In a recent years we have noticed a change in an organizations focus to autonomous driving research, disaster prevention scenarios, education, and medical care. In particular, there have recently been some notable examples of advanced construction ICT and construction automation.
We look forward to your applications for the state-of-the-art VR data and systems that accelerate smart cities and DX by making the most use of solutions provided by UC-win/Road and F8VPS to enable advanced communication through data.
①Work data and 5-minute script
②Overview of data explaining contents and operation in a brief format
Please tell your contact person of FORUM8 staff and send it to him/her.
Tue. Nov. 12th, 2024
Wed. Nov. 13th, 2024
The copyright of the VR data of the winning work belongs to the applicant.
Although the submitted data will not be distributed, FORUM8 will edit and process output images, videos, etc. for the data, works and deliverables produced by the author, and will make external presentations, research presentations, sales activities, As a public relations activity, you have a secondary license right such as publication/introduction on media such as HP, public relations magazines, books, magazines and newspapers.
TEL:03-6894-1888 FAX:03-6894-3888
Grand Prix
Prize, Online shopping gift cards (JPY100,000), Trophy, Certificate
2nd Prize
(Excellent Award)
Prize, Online shopping gift cards (JPY50,000), Certificate
Idea / Essence Award
Prize, Online shopping gift cards (JPY30,000), Certificate
Honorable Judge Award
Meta Quest 2, Online shopping gift cards (JPY30,000), Certificate
Nomination Award
Online shopping gift cards (JPY10,000), Plaque
Trophy, Certificate, Online shopping gift cards (JPY200,000)
Jury Chief
Professor, Civil Eng. Dept.
Fac. of Science and Tech., Nihon University
After engaging in various designs such as bridge, tunnel, civil engineering, river, and road at a major construction company, he was appointed in the current position since 2011. In recent years, in addition to civil engineering design, he works on a wide range of digital technologies, PFI and PPP projects.
Representative of NPO Community Development Studio
Director of Japan Society for Impact Assessment, director of Laboratory of Autonomy Problem, part-time instructor of University of Tsukuba, etc. Won the prize of Minister for the Environment for his activity of global warming in 2005. Author of some books.
Visiting Prof., Org. for
Future Society Creation,
Nagoya University
After graduating from Department of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, Graduate School of Kyoto University, he worked at Toyota Motor Corporation, and engaged in the vehicle dynamic performance development at the experiment field and the future vehicle planning at the planning field. Started to work at Nagoya University since 2011 and is a visiting professor now.
Representative Director, VR Promotion Council / President and CEO, FORUM8 Co., Ltd.
Director, VR Promotion Council
Professor, Civil Engineering Dept.
Faculty of Science and Tech., Nihon Univ.
Director, VR Promotion Council
Chairman & CEO, Nihon Technos
* The VR Promotion Council, which judges the VR SYSTEM OF THE YEAR award, works to develop and provide a virtual platform using VR, as well as to utilize it in various industrial fields in collaboration with local governments and other organizations. FORUM8 cooperates with this council as a corporate member.
Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.
Takenaka Civil Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Kanahide Construction Co., Ltd.
SmartDrive Sdn. Bhd. & Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd
Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Engineering Office, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
National Science & Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (Taiwan)
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
Kyushu Technical Office, Kyushu Regional Development Bureau, MLIT
Hanshin Expressway Company Limited
Limited Association of Pipeline Data Utilization
Akita Industrial Technology Center / Akita University
Directorate general for Kobe city planning
22nd 3D VR Simulation Contest (2023)
University of Seoul
Utsunomiya City
Naha City Tourism Association
Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.
Keiyo Sokuryo
Takenaka Civil Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.
Kanahide Construction Co., Ltd.
SmartDrive Sdn. Bhd. & Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd
Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Engineering Office, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
21st 3D VR Simulation Contest (2022)
Jeollabuk-do Traffic Culture Training Institute
Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.
NiX Co., Ltd.
Aichi Prefectural University
Shenzhen University
Sangyo Kaihatsu Consultant CO., LTD.
Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.
Kanahide Construction Co.,Ltd.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
20th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2021)
National Science & Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (Taiwan)
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
Department of Transportation, Taipei City Government
Akamatsu Co., Ltd.
Hanshin Expressway Company Limited
Nikaho city / NIHON TECHNOS CO., LTD.
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
NiX Co., Ltd.
Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport (China)
University of Seoul
Solar Kanamori
19th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2020)
SHO-BOND Holdings Co., Ltd.
Kyushu Technical Office, Kyushu Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Denso Corporation
Seoul Metropolitan Government Infrastructure Headquarters
Sakaiminato City
Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.
Chuo Sekkei Inc.
Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport
18th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2019)
TUMS Urayasu Hospital
East Nippon Expressway Company Limited
Kyoto Kogakuin High School
Hanshin Expressway Company Limited
National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (Taiwan)
Toho Development Co., Ltd.
Iwakura Hospital
Denso Corporation
National University of Kaohsiung (Taiwan)
17th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2018)
Hokkaido Railway Company
Central Police University Republic of China (Taiwan)
Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Kanagawa Construction Bureau, Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited
Tendaishu Kyououzan Monjuin Enyuuji
Denso Corporation
Kyoto Kogakuin High School
Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.
Hyundai Motor Group
Wuhan University of Technology
16th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2017)
Meiwa Sky Support Co., Ltd.
Keisuke Ijiri office
Korea Transportation Safety Authority
Kanro Jyoho Katsuyo Yugen Sekinin Jigyo Kumiai (Limited Association of Pipeline Data Utilization)
University of Seoul
Kisarazu City
Fushimi Technical High School in Kyoto (Kyoto Kogakuin High School)
Sagae Survey Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.
Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.
15th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2016)
Sakaiminato City
Fushimi Technical High School in Kyoto
Korea National Disaster Management Institute (NDMI)
Mitsui Consultants Co., Ltd.
Denso Corporation
Akita Industrial Technology Center / Akita University
Tongji University
Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd.
Iwasaki CO., LTD.
14th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2015)
Kitsuki City, Oita Prefecture
Mitsui Consultants, Kansai Branch
Fushimi Technical High School in Kyoto
Awaji City Hall, Hyogo Prefecture
Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd.
Transport for NSW, Centre for Road Safety In collaboration with University of Wollongong / SMART Infrastructure Facility (scenarios)
Nagoya University
Qingdao Municipal Engineering Design Institute, China
13th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2014)
Fushimi Technical High School in Kyoto
Nisso Industries Co., Ltd.
UTMS Society of Japan
atelier DoN
Sanyu Eng. Ltd
Doshisha University
ITS Bordeaux La CUB & BMIA
Michael Baker International
Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.
12th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2013)
Iwasaki CO., LTD.
Qube Ports and Bulk
Pacific Consultants Co., LTD.
TS TECH Co., Ltd.
Graduate School of Osaka University
University of Seoul
Noda Engineering Co., Ltd.
Korea Transportation Safety Authority(TS)
Virtual Simulation and Training Inc.(VSAT)
11th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2012)
TOYOTA Motor Corporation
Kyushu-orient Servey&Design Co., Ltd.
BMIA (France)
Keisuke Ijiri
Iiyama city Construction channel department City planning section/Section for maintening the surrounding of the station of Shinkansen bullet train
Nishitetsu C.E. Consultant Co., Ltd
JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association) Car Electronics Commitee / Car Electronics Promoting Comitee
Material Hakuba Co., Ltd.
Korea Transportation Safety Authority
Kusakabe Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd.
Fukui National College of Technology
10th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2011)
Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency
Vehicle Information and Communication System Center
TOEI Company, Ltd
Amlux TOYOTA Co., Ltd
Graduate school of University of Tokushima
Tatsumi Architects & Engineers
Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW (RTA)
Asahi Sokuryo Sekkei Co., Ltd
City of Nedlands (Australia)
Graduate School of University of Tokyo
9th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2010)
Faculty of Policy Studies, Kansai University
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd
Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University
Abley Transportation Consultants Limited(New Zealand)
SK Energy Co., Ltd. (Korea)
Asunaro Aoki Construction Co., Ltd
Korea Transportation Safety Authority(Korea)
Directorate general for Kobe city planning
Seoul National University (Korea)
Taisei Engineering Co., Ltd
8th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2009)
Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited
Korea Road Agency (Korea)
Noda Engineering Co., Ltd.
Graduate School of Informatics Kyoto University
Ourston Roundabout Engineering, Inc.(USA)
Hosei University
Beijing Water Cube Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. (China)
Nishitetsu C.E.Consultant Co.,Ltd
Temasek Polytechnic (Singapore)
GTSM Inc. (Korea)
Shanghai Chikushi Construction Design Co., Ltd. (China)
7th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2008)
National Agency for Automotive Safety & Victims' Aid
Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering
Noda Engineering Co., Ltd.
Daido Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Design
CION Media Company (Turkey)
Busan Regional Construction & Management Office (Korea)
Taisei Engineering Co., Ltd.
Arizona State University(USA)
Asahi Kasei Construction Materials Corporation
Haihe River Water Conservation Commission, Ministry of Water Resources (China)
Shanghai T.E.F Building Safety Consulting Co.,Ltd (China)
Tsinghua Sware Software Hi-Tech Co. Ltd. (China)
6th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2007)
Kanagawa Construction Bureau, Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport / Highway Industry Development Organization
Meijo University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Information Engineering
Meishi Road Buresau, Chubu Regional Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Nepoch Consultant Co., Ltd.
Huyo architect office Co., Ltd.
Arizona State University
Civil and Environmental Engineering , Faculty of Engineering and Design, Hosei University
5th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2006)
Kanagawa Construction Bureau, Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited
Bureau of Construction Tokyo Metropolitan Government Minami Tama Higashibu Construction Office/ Japan Bridge & Structure Institute, Inc.
China Shanghai Institute of Waterways
Nihon University College of Science and Technology Department of Transportation Engineering and Socio-Technology
China Nepoch Consultant Co. Ltd
4th 3D VR Simulation Contest (2005)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Shikoku Regional Development Bureau, Matsuyama Rivers and National Highway Bureau
Korea Highway Corporation Basis Soft,Inc
3rd 3D VR Simulation Contest (2004)
Road Management Technology Center
Metropolitan Expressway Company, Tokyo Building Bureau, Related Street Division
Japan Highway Public Corp.,Tokyo Construction Bereau, Chiba Construction Office / Daiichi Fukken
Taisei Engineering Co., Ltd.
2nd 3D VR Simulation Contest (2003)
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited Tokyo Office, Atsugi Work Office
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Chube Regional Bureau, Hokusei National Highway Office
Taisei Corporation / Fuji International Speedway Co., Ltd
Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd Osaka branch office
Bellwood Design System Co., Ltd
1st 3D VR Simulation Contest (2002)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Chubu Regional Bureau, Tajimi Office of Sabo and National Highway
Nippon Koei Co., Ltd Osaka branch office
East Japan Railway Company Research & Development Center of JR East Group
Toda Corporation
NEXCO Central (Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd Atsugi office of Tokyo branch)
3D real-time virtual reality software UC-win/Road is an advanced software that can create 3D large-scale space of various projects by simple PC operation and can perform various real-time simulations.
Product info
UC-win/Road Basic Functions
FORUM8 Virtual Platform System
3DVR space created on the cloud plus with the added communication tools utilizing avatars to promote easy remote work, create virtual showroom or virtual factory for a guided tour, or run trainings and manage your everyday tasks. F8VPS can build a digital twin for any projects such as exhibition, office, campus, etc. It can also be cooperated with ERP systems for human resources and task management, Accounting Software Suite, and smart devices.
Product Info
Case Study
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, MLIT
"VR NILIM (Kokusoken)"
"VR NILIM (Kokusoken)" that reproduces the whole space of NILIM Asahi office
Tokyo Institute of Technology
"Virtual Campus"
A social communication tool that allows users to view and evaluate exhibition projects in a virtual space
Akamatsu Co., Ltd.
"Hybrid Exhibition"
Shikoku's first live and virtual hybrid exhibition
VR-Cloud® is a consensus building solution which uses 3D and VR on a cloud server. With only internet access environment, even thin client would be able to operate the VR space by web browser.
Product Info
VR-Cloud® Ver.6 Collaboration
A full-featured VR cloud system that enables advanced communication between clients and VR. Implementation of shared content management. 3D bulletin board, landscape evaluation, conference support for multiple users. Equipped with annotation and photo functions.
▲Content viewer
▲3D icons
▲Annotation function
▲Landscape evaluation